Cases where landlords have withheld or interfered with vital services such as heat, water, or electricity.
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LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to occupant living with landlord's child.
Etobicoke landlord wins harassment case, tenant ordered to pay $50 application fee
LTB dismisses Pickering tenants' claims of illegal eviction, finds tenancy was lawfully terminated.
Landlord wins as LTB dismisses tenants' application, finding they were unauthorized occupants, not tenants.
Landlord prevails in harassment claim against tenants in Ontario LTB case.
Landlord ordered to pay Tenant $134 for failing to promptly restore FOB access, interfering with reasonable enjoyment.
Tenant's application dismissed as she was an occupant, not a tenant, and the LTB lacked jurisdiction.
LTB dismisses tenant application, finds Residential Tenancies Act inapplicable based on prior order.
Landlord prevails in harassment claim against tenants in Ontario LTB case.
Landlord ordered to pay Tenant $134 for failing to promptly restore FOB access, interfering with reasonable enjoyment.
Tenant's application dismissed as she was an occupant, not a tenant, and the LTB lacked jurisdiction.
LTB dismisses tenant application, finds Residential Tenancies Act inapplicable based on prior order.
Landlord prevails in harassment claim against tenants in Ontario LTB case.
Landlord ordered to pay Tenant $134 for failing to promptly restore FOB access, interfering with reasonable enjoyment.
Tenant's application dismissed as she was an occupant, not a tenant, and the LTB lacked jurisdiction.
LTB dismisses tenant application, finds Residential Tenancies Act inapplicable based on prior order.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to occupant living with landlord's child.
Etobicoke landlord wins harassment case, tenant ordered to pay $50 application fee
Landlord prevails in harassment claim against tenants in Ontario LTB case.
Landlord ordered to pay Tenant $134 for failing to promptly restore FOB access, interfering with reasonable enjoyment.
Tenant's application dismissed as she was an occupant, not a tenant, and the LTB lacked jurisdiction.
LTB dismisses tenant application, finds Residential Tenancies Act inapplicable based on prior order.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to occupant living with landlord's child.
Etobicoke landlord wins harassment case, tenant ordered to pay $50 application fee
LTB dismisses Pickering tenants' claims of illegal eviction, finds tenancy was lawfully terminated.
Landlord wins as LTB dismisses tenants' application, finding they were unauthorized occupants, not tenants.
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