Cases where landlords have illegally locked out tenants or changed locks without proper authorization.
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LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
LTB dismisses tenant's application, finds Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to shared accommodation tenancy.
LTB dismisses tenant's claims of illegal lock changes in North York rental dispute.
LTB upholds dismissal of tenant's application for failure to name proper landlord.
LTB dismisses application by unauthorized occupants, finding they lack tenant status under the Residential Tenancies Act.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenancy with shared kitchen arrangement.
Tenants' applications dismissed due to failure to comply with LTB interim order to amend applications.
Waterloo landlord awarded $550 after tenants changed locks without consent.
LTB dismisses application by unauthorized occupants, finding they lack tenant status under the Residential Tenancies Act.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenancy with shared kitchen arrangement.
Tenants' applications dismissed due to failure to comply with LTB interim order to amend applications.
Waterloo landlord awarded $550 after tenants changed locks without consent.
LTB dismisses application by unauthorized occupants, finding they lack tenant status under the Residential Tenancies Act.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenancy with shared kitchen arrangement.
Tenants' applications dismissed due to failure to comply with LTB interim order to amend applications.
Waterloo landlord awarded $550 after tenants changed locks without consent.
LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
LTB dismisses tenant's application, finds Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to shared accommodation tenancy.
LTB dismisses application by unauthorized occupants, finding they lack tenant status under the Residential Tenancies Act.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to tenancy with shared kitchen arrangement.
Tenants' applications dismissed due to failure to comply with LTB interim order to amend applications.
Waterloo landlord awarded $550 after tenants changed locks without consent.
LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
LTB dismisses tenant's application, finds Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to shared accommodation tenancy.
LTB dismisses tenant's claims of illegal lock changes in North York rental dispute.
LTB upholds dismissal of tenant's application for failure to name proper landlord.
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