Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
LTB dismisses Brampton tenant's harassment claims against landlord and agent.
Former tenants ordered to pay $6,315.43 to landlord for rent arrears and property damage in St. Catharines rental dispute.
Landlord's eviction application dismissed due to defective N5 notice in Aurora rental dispute.
North York tenant evicted for non-payment of $27,602.82 in rent, owes $25,094.69 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant for breaching conditions of previous LTB order, including smoke detector tampering and guests smoking in common areas.
Ottawa tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $21,356.99 to landlord.
LTB dismisses Brampton tenant's harassment claims against landlord and agent.
Former tenants ordered to pay $6,315.43 to landlord for rent arrears and property damage in St. Catharines rental dispute.
Landlord's eviction application dismissed due to defective N5 notice in Aurora rental dispute.
North York tenant evicted for non-payment of $27,602.82 in rent, owes $25,094.69 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant for breaching conditions of previous LTB order, including smoke detector tampering and guests smoking in common areas.
Ottawa tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $21,356.99 to landlord.
LTB dismisses Brampton tenant's harassment claims against landlord and agent.
Former tenants ordered to pay $6,315.43 to landlord for rent arrears and property damage in St. Catharines rental dispute.
Landlord's eviction application dismissed due to defective N5 notice in Aurora rental dispute.
North York tenant evicted for non-payment of $27,602.82 in rent, owes $25,094.69 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant for breaching conditions of previous LTB order, including smoke detector tampering and guests smoking in common areas.
Ottawa tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $21,356.99 to landlord.
LTB dismisses Brampton tenant's harassment claims against landlord and agent.
Former tenants ordered to pay $6,315.43 to landlord for rent arrears and property damage in St. Catharines rental dispute.
Landlord's eviction application dismissed due to defective N5 notice in Aurora rental dispute.
North York tenant evicted for non-payment of $27,602.82 in rent, owes $25,094.69 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant for breaching conditions of previous LTB order, including smoke detector tampering and guests smoking in common areas.
Ottawa tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $21,356.99 to landlord.
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Landlord Win Rate: 80%
Landlord Win Rate: 25%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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