Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
LTB upholds order against landlord for unreasonable response to bed bug infestation in tenant's unit.
Landlords win eviction case against tenants owing $30,000 in rent arrears.
LTB issues interim order restoring Potential Party to possession of rental unit in Huntsville pending review of previous eviction order.
LTB denies tenants' request to review order requiring them to pay rent arrears and damages to landlord.
LTB upholds previous order in Zhou v Tong rental dispute, finding no serious errors in determination that basement was part of rental unit.
LTB upholds landlord's termination agreement with tenants in Scarborough dispute, despite tenant's motion to set aside.
LTB upholds order against landlord for unreasonable response to bed bug infestation in tenant's unit.
Landlords win eviction case against tenants owing $30,000 in rent arrears.
LTB issues interim order restoring Potential Party to possession of rental unit in Huntsville pending review of previous eviction order.
LTB denies tenants' request to review order requiring them to pay rent arrears and damages to landlord.
LTB upholds previous order in Zhou v Tong rental dispute, finding no serious errors in determination that basement was part of rental unit.
LTB upholds landlord's termination agreement with tenants in Scarborough dispute, despite tenant's motion to set aside.
LTB upholds order against landlord for unreasonable response to bed bug infestation in tenant's unit.
Landlords win eviction case against tenants owing $30,000 in rent arrears.
LTB issues interim order restoring Potential Party to possession of rental unit in Huntsville pending review of previous eviction order.
LTB denies tenants' request to review order requiring them to pay rent arrears and damages to landlord.
LTB upholds previous order in Zhou v Tong rental dispute, finding no serious errors in determination that basement was part of rental unit.
LTB upholds landlord's termination agreement with tenants in Scarborough dispute, despite tenant's motion to set aside.
LTB upholds order against landlord for unreasonable response to bed bug infestation in tenant's unit.
Landlords win eviction case against tenants owing $30,000 in rent arrears.
LTB issues interim order restoring Potential Party to possession of rental unit in Huntsville pending review of previous eviction order.
LTB denies tenants' request to review order requiring them to pay rent arrears and damages to landlord.
LTB upholds previous order in Zhou v Tong rental dispute, finding no serious errors in determination that basement was part of rental unit.
LTB upholds landlord's termination agreement with tenants in Scarborough dispute, despite tenant's motion to set aside.
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Landlord Win Rate: 88.89%
Landlord Win Rate: 42.86%
Landlord Win Rate: 20%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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