Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlords ordered to pay $8,701.62 to tenants for bad faith N12 notice in North York rental dispute.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant for landlord's own use dismissed due to lack of evidence of purchaser's genuine intention.
Landlord's application to evict tenants dismissed due to illegal rent increase from $7,433 to $12,000 per month.
Landlord wins $1,731.49 in rent arrears case against Kitchener tenant who vacated without proper notice.
LTB rules Landlord's N4 notice invalid, but orders Tenant to pay $12,700 in rent arrears.
Breslau landlords awarded $18,565.35 against tenants for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent.
Landlords ordered to pay $8,701.62 to tenants for bad faith N12 notice in North York rental dispute.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant for landlord's own use dismissed due to lack of evidence of purchaser's genuine intention.
Landlord's application to evict tenants dismissed due to illegal rent increase from $7,433 to $12,000 per month.
Landlord wins $1,731.49 in rent arrears case against Kitchener tenant who vacated without proper notice.
LTB rules Landlord's N4 notice invalid, but orders Tenant to pay $12,700 in rent arrears.
Breslau landlords awarded $18,565.35 against tenants for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent.
Landlords ordered to pay $8,701.62 to tenants for bad faith N12 notice in North York rental dispute.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant for landlord's own use dismissed due to lack of evidence of purchaser's genuine intention.
Landlord's application to evict tenants dismissed due to illegal rent increase from $7,433 to $12,000 per month.
Landlord wins $1,731.49 in rent arrears case against Kitchener tenant who vacated without proper notice.
LTB rules Landlord's N4 notice invalid, but orders Tenant to pay $12,700 in rent arrears.
Breslau landlords awarded $18,565.35 against tenants for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent.
Landlords ordered to pay $8,701.62 to tenants for bad faith N12 notice in North York rental dispute.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant for landlord's own use dismissed due to lack of evidence of purchaser's genuine intention.
Landlord's application to evict tenants dismissed due to illegal rent increase from $7,433 to $12,000 per month.
Landlord wins $1,731.49 in rent arrears case against Kitchener tenant who vacated without proper notice.
LTB rules Landlord's N4 notice invalid, but orders Tenant to pay $12,700 in rent arrears.
Breslau landlords awarded $18,565.35 against tenants for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent.
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Landlord Win Rate: 60%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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