Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Unionville tenants face eviction for non-payment of utilities, ordered to pay $6,347.60 to landlord.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement to resolve dispute over substantial interference with landlord's ability to sell rental property in Thornhill.
Etobicoke tenants face eviction for non-payment of $18,448.52 in rent.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant who must vacate by December 8, 2024.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application due to lack of evidence that successor landlord authorized former landlord to collect rent arrears.
Scarborough tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, but gets delayed move-out date.
Unionville tenants face eviction for non-payment of utilities, ordered to pay $6,347.60 to landlord.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement to resolve dispute over substantial interference with landlord's ability to sell rental property in Thornhill.
Etobicoke tenants face eviction for non-payment of $18,448.52 in rent.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant who must vacate by December 8, 2024.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application due to lack of evidence that successor landlord authorized former landlord to collect rent arrears.
Scarborough tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, but gets delayed move-out date.
Unionville tenants face eviction for non-payment of utilities, ordered to pay $6,347.60 to landlord.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement to resolve dispute over substantial interference with landlord's ability to sell rental property in Thornhill.
Etobicoke tenants face eviction for non-payment of $18,448.52 in rent.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant who must vacate by December 8, 2024.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application due to lack of evidence that successor landlord authorized former landlord to collect rent arrears.
Scarborough tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, but gets delayed move-out date.
Unionville tenants face eviction for non-payment of utilities, ordered to pay $6,347.60 to landlord.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement to resolve dispute over substantial interference with landlord's ability to sell rental property in Thornhill.
Etobicoke tenants face eviction for non-payment of $18,448.52 in rent.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant who must vacate by December 8, 2024.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application due to lack of evidence that successor landlord authorized former landlord to collect rent arrears.
Scarborough tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, but gets delayed move-out date.
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Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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