Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlord wins termination case against St. Catharines tenant who claimed he didn't understand N11 agreement.
Former tenant ordered to pay $3,198.44 to landlord for damages to rental unit in Kingston.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant who broke his window in Ottawa rental property.
Toronto landlord wins LTB case to evict unauthorized occupants who converted rental unit into rooming house.
Landlord fails to address maintenance issues, loses bid to evict tenants in Orleans rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $4,567 after landlord harassed him and failed to maintain rental property in Kingston.
Landlord wins termination case against St. Catharines tenant who claimed he didn't understand N11 agreement.
Former tenant ordered to pay $3,198.44 to landlord for damages to rental unit in Kingston.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant who broke his window in Ottawa rental property.
Toronto landlord wins LTB case to evict unauthorized occupants who converted rental unit into rooming house.
Landlord fails to address maintenance issues, loses bid to evict tenants in Orleans rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $4,567 after landlord harassed him and failed to maintain rental property in Kingston.
Landlord wins termination case against St. Catharines tenant who claimed he didn't understand N11 agreement.
Former tenant ordered to pay $3,198.44 to landlord for damages to rental unit in Kingston.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant who broke his window in Ottawa rental property.
Toronto landlord wins LTB case to evict unauthorized occupants who converted rental unit into rooming house.
Landlord fails to address maintenance issues, loses bid to evict tenants in Orleans rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $4,567 after landlord harassed him and failed to maintain rental property in Kingston.
Landlord wins termination case against St. Catharines tenant who claimed he didn't understand N11 agreement.
Former tenant ordered to pay $3,198.44 to landlord for damages to rental unit in Kingston.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant who broke his window in Ottawa rental property.
Toronto landlord wins LTB case to evict unauthorized occupants who converted rental unit into rooming house.
Landlord fails to address maintenance issues, loses bid to evict tenants in Orleans rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $4,567 after landlord harassed him and failed to maintain rental property in Kingston.
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Who Wins
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Landlord Win Rate: 16.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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