Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Brantford landlord wins personal use case, tenant to vacate by May 31, 2025.
Landlord wins case to evict unauthorized occupants after tenant transferred occupancy without consent.
Oshawa landlord wins eviction order against tenants for substantial interference with other residents' enjoyment.
LTB grants conditional relief to Etobicoke tenant facing eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlords ordered to pay tenant $19,913 for bad faith eviction, failed to move into unit after serving N12 notice.
Richmond Hill tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $186.
Brantford landlord wins personal use case, tenant to vacate by May 31, 2025.
Landlord wins case to evict unauthorized occupants after tenant transferred occupancy without consent.
Oshawa landlord wins eviction order against tenants for substantial interference with other residents' enjoyment.
LTB grants conditional relief to Etobicoke tenant facing eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlords ordered to pay tenant $19,913 for bad faith eviction, failed to move into unit after serving N12 notice.
Richmond Hill tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $186.
Brantford landlord wins personal use case, tenant to vacate by May 31, 2025.
Landlord wins case to evict unauthorized occupants after tenant transferred occupancy without consent.
Oshawa landlord wins eviction order against tenants for substantial interference with other residents' enjoyment.
LTB grants conditional relief to Etobicoke tenant facing eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlords ordered to pay tenant $19,913 for bad faith eviction, failed to move into unit after serving N12 notice.
Richmond Hill tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $186.
Brantford landlord wins personal use case, tenant to vacate by May 31, 2025.
Landlord wins case to evict unauthorized occupants after tenant transferred occupancy without consent.
Oshawa landlord wins eviction order against tenants for substantial interference with other residents' enjoyment.
LTB grants conditional relief to Etobicoke tenant facing eviction for persistent late rent payments.
Landlords ordered to pay tenant $19,913 for bad faith eviction, failed to move into unit after serving N12 notice.
Richmond Hill tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $186.
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Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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