Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Pickering tenant faces potential eviction after dispute over rent increase and arrears
Landlord granted conditional order to terminate tenancy for non-payment of rent, but tenants given chance to avoid eviction by paying arrears.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against tenant who owes $11,773 in rent arrears.
Ottawa landlord granted eviction order against tenants owing $8,175 in rent arrears.
Vaughan tenants face eviction for $14,250 in non-payment of rent.
St. Thomas tenants face eviction for non-payment of $10,209 in rent.
Pickering tenant faces potential eviction after dispute over rent increase and arrears
Landlord granted conditional order to terminate tenancy for non-payment of rent, but tenants given chance to avoid eviction by paying arrears.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against tenant who owes $11,773 in rent arrears.
Ottawa landlord granted eviction order against tenants owing $8,175 in rent arrears.
Vaughan tenants face eviction for $14,250 in non-payment of rent.
St. Thomas tenants face eviction for non-payment of $10,209 in rent.
Pickering tenant faces potential eviction after dispute over rent increase and arrears
Landlord granted conditional order to terminate tenancy for non-payment of rent, but tenants given chance to avoid eviction by paying arrears.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against tenant who owes $11,773 in rent arrears.
Ottawa landlord granted eviction order against tenants owing $8,175 in rent arrears.
Vaughan tenants face eviction for $14,250 in non-payment of rent.
St. Thomas tenants face eviction for non-payment of $10,209 in rent.
Pickering tenant faces potential eviction after dispute over rent increase and arrears
Landlord granted conditional order to terminate tenancy for non-payment of rent, but tenants given chance to avoid eviction by paying arrears.
Hamilton landlord wins eviction case against tenant who owes $11,773 in rent arrears.
Ottawa landlord granted eviction order against tenants owing $8,175 in rent arrears.
Vaughan tenants face eviction for $14,250 in non-payment of rent.
St. Thomas tenants face eviction for non-payment of $10,209 in rent.
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Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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