Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Petrolia tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $2,353.02 to landlord.
Landlords awarded $14,221 judgment against tenant in Brampton rental dispute.
Brampton landlords awarded $10,036 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by April 30.
Scarborough tenants ordered to pay $21,558.91 in rent arrears and vacate unit by February 29, 2024.
North York landlords awarded $14,850 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by January 14, 2024.
Kitchener landlord awarded $1,080 in damages from tenant, tenant ordered to vacate.
Petrolia tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $2,353.02 to landlord.
Landlords awarded $14,221 judgment against tenant in Brampton rental dispute.
Brampton landlords awarded $10,036 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by April 30.
Scarborough tenants ordered to pay $21,558.91 in rent arrears and vacate unit by February 29, 2024.
North York landlords awarded $14,850 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by January 14, 2024.
Kitchener landlord awarded $1,080 in damages from tenant, tenant ordered to vacate.
Petrolia tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $2,353.02 to landlord.
Landlords awarded $14,221 judgment against tenant in Brampton rental dispute.
Brampton landlords awarded $10,036 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by April 30.
Scarborough tenants ordered to pay $21,558.91 in rent arrears and vacate unit by February 29, 2024.
North York landlords awarded $14,850 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by January 14, 2024.
Kitchener landlord awarded $1,080 in damages from tenant, tenant ordered to vacate.
Petrolia tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $2,353.02 to landlord.
Landlords awarded $14,221 judgment against tenant in Brampton rental dispute.
Brampton landlords awarded $10,036 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by April 30.
Scarborough tenants ordered to pay $21,558.91 in rent arrears and vacate unit by February 29, 2024.
North York landlords awarded $14,850 in rent arrears, tenant ordered to vacate by January 14, 2024.
Kitchener landlord awarded $1,080 in damages from tenant, tenant ordered to vacate.
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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