Last updated: October 13, 2024
Ordered by Tribunals Ontario under Section 69, Residential Tenancies Act 2006
Decision in favor of
Ordered Amount
to Landlord
Agree with the ruling?
Application Date (Estimate)
Feb 2023
Hearing Date
Nov 2023
Order Date
Jan 24, 2024
Tenancy End Date
Feb 2024
We estimate Application Date using rent arrears.
The Co-op Member's occupancy is terminated on February 29, 2024. The Co-op Member owes the Co-op $12,046.86, including arrears and filing costs. If the unit is not vacated by February 29, 2024, the Co-op may file the order with the Court Enforcement Office for enforcement starting March 1, 2024.
to permit the Co-op Member more time to find an alternative place to live
The Co-op applied for an order to end the occupancy of the member unit and evict the Co-op Member because the Co-op Member did not pay the regular monthly housing charges and has been persistently late paying the housing charge.
The Co-op submits that the Co-op Member has had many notifications about the arrears, she had her slip and fall accident in May 2022, and then the Co-op gave her two months of free rent. The Co-op submits that they have orders from the Board dating back to 2018, the Co-op Member admits that she owes almost $12,000.00 to the Co-op, she has been persistently late in paying her rent, she has repeatedly breached payment plans, and there is no chance a new payment plan would succeed.
The Co-op's agent, N. Legacy, said that the Co-op Member moved into her unit in January 2018, and she has not had a zero balance of her account since early 2018. She said that the Co-op Board has agreed repayment plans with the Co-op Member, and they have tried to work with her, but it has not been successful.
The Co-op Member submits that she seeks to remain a member of the Co-op, she has nowhere to go, and she will be able to meet a payment plan.
The Co-op Member said that the arrears stem from a slip and fall last year that resulted in a broken arm. She said that she was meeting the terms of a payment plan, but then she was out of work.
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Lawful Rent
Rent Arrears
Application Fee
Ordered Amount
$12,047 (to Landlord)
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Aurora tenants face eviction for $31,733.09 in rent arrears, landlord granted possession due to non-payment.
Landlords granted eviction order against Tenants and Unauthorized Occupants in Sunderland rental dispute.
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Aurora tenants face eviction for $31,733.09 in rent arrears, landlord granted possession due to non-payment.
Landlords granted eviction order against Tenants and Unauthorized Occupants in Sunderland rental dispute.
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Aurora tenants face eviction for $31,733.09 in rent arrears, landlord granted possession due to non-payment.
Landlords granted eviction order against Tenants and Unauthorized Occupants in Sunderland rental dispute.
LTB upholds eviction order against tenant who persistently paid rent late, denies tenant's request to review.
LTB upholds eviction of Toronto tenant for alleged illegal drug activity in rental unit.
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Landlords granted eviction order against Tenants and Unauthorized Occupants in Sunderland rental dispute.
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