Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
LTB dismisses landlord's application to evict tenants after landlord testifies property is no longer being sold.
LTB rules landlord's rent hike unlawful, tenant can stay in Hamilton rental despite some property damage.
LTB orders Windsor landlord to pay tenants $9,126 and make repairs for failing to address maintenance issues.
Co-op successfully evicts member for repeated fire alarm pulls and fire damage, orders $108.70 payment.
Bowmanville co-op wins eviction case against members who failed to pay $20,458 in housing charges.
Richmond Hill tenant awarded $2,450.70 for landlord's harassment, broken buzzer, and slamming door issues.
LTB dismisses landlord's application to evict tenants after landlord testifies property is no longer being sold.
LTB rules landlord's rent hike unlawful, tenant can stay in Hamilton rental despite some property damage.
LTB orders Windsor landlord to pay tenants $9,126 and make repairs for failing to address maintenance issues.
Co-op successfully evicts member for repeated fire alarm pulls and fire damage, orders $108.70 payment.
Bowmanville co-op wins eviction case against members who failed to pay $20,458 in housing charges.
Richmond Hill tenant awarded $2,450.70 for landlord's harassment, broken buzzer, and slamming door issues.
LTB dismisses landlord's application to evict tenants after landlord testifies property is no longer being sold.
LTB rules landlord's rent hike unlawful, tenant can stay in Hamilton rental despite some property damage.
LTB orders Windsor landlord to pay tenants $9,126 and make repairs for failing to address maintenance issues.
Co-op successfully evicts member for repeated fire alarm pulls and fire damage, orders $108.70 payment.
Bowmanville co-op wins eviction case against members who failed to pay $20,458 in housing charges.
Richmond Hill tenant awarded $2,450.70 for landlord's harassment, broken buzzer, and slamming door issues.
LTB dismisses landlord's application to evict tenants after landlord testifies property is no longer being sold.
LTB rules landlord's rent hike unlawful, tenant can stay in Hamilton rental despite some property damage.
LTB orders Windsor landlord to pay tenants $9,126 and make repairs for failing to address maintenance issues.
Co-op successfully evicts member for repeated fire alarm pulls and fire damage, orders $108.70 payment.
Bowmanville co-op wins eviction case against members who failed to pay $20,458 in housing charges.
Richmond Hill tenant awarded $2,450.70 for landlord's harassment, broken buzzer, and slamming door issues.
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Landlord Win Rate: 40%
Landlord Win Rate: 68.42%
Landlord Win Rate: 76.47%
Landlord Win Rate: 26.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 27.27%
Landlord Win Rate: 63.64%
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