Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
London tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay over $3,300 to landlord.
Toronto landlord awarded $278 in damages after tenant fails to meet condition in previous LTB order.
Cambridge landlord awarded eviction and $21,876 in rent arrears from tenant.
Sarnia tenant evicted for breaching LTB order, ordered to pay $3,660.41 to landlord.
North York tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay compensation.
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $3,889.46 to landlord.
London tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay over $3,300 to landlord.
Toronto landlord awarded $278 in damages after tenant fails to meet condition in previous LTB order.
Cambridge landlord awarded eviction and $21,876 in rent arrears from tenant.
Sarnia tenant evicted for breaching LTB order, ordered to pay $3,660.41 to landlord.
North York tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay compensation.
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $3,889.46 to landlord.
London tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay over $3,300 to landlord.
Toronto landlord awarded $278 in damages after tenant fails to meet condition in previous LTB order.
Cambridge landlord awarded eviction and $21,876 in rent arrears from tenant.
Sarnia tenant evicted for breaching LTB order, ordered to pay $3,660.41 to landlord.
North York tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay compensation.
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $3,889.46 to landlord.
London tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay over $3,300 to landlord.
Toronto landlord awarded $278 in damages after tenant fails to meet condition in previous LTB order.
Cambridge landlord awarded eviction and $21,876 in rent arrears from tenant.
Sarnia tenant evicted for breaching LTB order, ordered to pay $3,660.41 to landlord.
North York tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, ordered to pay compensation.
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $3,889.46 to landlord.
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