Reid Jackson
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Order OutcomesPRO
Eviction Relief Granted to Tenant 12 Orders since 2024PRO
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Reason for Relief
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Lanlord's Notice Found Invalid 2 Orders since 2024PRO
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
LandlordPlease subscribe v Please subscribe v
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Contested Dispute by CategoryPRO
- Personal Use3
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
- Substantial Interference3
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
- Maintenance Issues2
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
- Property Damage2
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
- Unauthorized Occupants1
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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Latest Orders
Adams v Spencer
Ajax tenant faces eviction for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent, owes $9,077.56 to landlord.
Ontario Hardwood Products Ltd v Batth
Landlord wins case against tenant and unauthorized occupant, tenant ordered to vacate and pay over $18,000 in rent arrears.
Jeyanthan v Patterson, Fournier
Dundalk tenants face eviction for $13,850 in rent arrears.
Chaggar v Ross
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application and tenant's interference application due to procedural issues with notices.
Tenant with cancer successfully prevents eviction by demonstrating potential medical treatment disruption.
84-year-old tenant successfully defends against landlords' personal use eviction attempt.
Adams v Spencer
Ajax tenant faces eviction for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent, owes $9,077.56 to landlord.
Ontario Hardwood Products Ltd v Batth
Landlord wins case against tenant and unauthorized occupant, tenant ordered to vacate and pay over $18,000 in rent arrears.
Jeyanthan v Patterson, Fournier
Dundalk tenants face eviction for $13,850 in rent arrears.
Chaggar v Ross
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application and tenant's interference application due to procedural issues with notices.
Tenant with cancer successfully prevents eviction by demonstrating potential medical treatment disruption.
84-year-old tenant successfully defends against landlords' personal use eviction attempt.
Adams v Spencer
Ajax tenant faces eviction for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent, owes $9,077.56 to landlord.
Ontario Hardwood Products Ltd v Batth
Landlord wins case against tenant and unauthorized occupant, tenant ordered to vacate and pay over $18,000 in rent arrears.
Jeyanthan v Patterson, Fournier
Dundalk tenants face eviction for $13,850 in rent arrears.
Chaggar v Ross
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application and tenant's interference application due to procedural issues with notices.
Tenant with cancer successfully prevents eviction by demonstrating potential medical treatment disruption.
84-year-old tenant successfully defends against landlords' personal use eviction attempt.
Adams v Spencer
Ajax tenant faces eviction for non-payment and persistent late payment of rent, owes $9,077.56 to landlord.
Ontario Hardwood Products Ltd v Batth
Landlord wins case against tenant and unauthorized occupant, tenant ordered to vacate and pay over $18,000 in rent arrears.
Jeyanthan v Patterson, Fournier
Dundalk tenants face eviction for $13,850 in rent arrears.
Chaggar v Ross
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application and tenant's interference application due to procedural issues with notices.
Tenant with cancer successfully prevents eviction by demonstrating potential medical treatment disruption.
84-year-old tenant successfully defends against landlords' personal use eviction attempt.
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