Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Brantford tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, owes landlord $9,908.69.
Etobicoke landlord wins personal use eviction to allow his daughters to occupy the rental unit.
Toronto landlord wins $6,043 in rent arrears case against tenant Jeannelle M Kehoe.
Toronto landlord awarded $33,467.32 in compensation from tenant for noise violations, property damage, and unpaid utilities.
Landlord partially liable for maintenance issues, but not for substantial interference claims, in Barrie rental dispute.
Toronto tenant evicted for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $8,421.94.
Brantford tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, owes landlord $9,908.69.
Etobicoke landlord wins personal use eviction to allow his daughters to occupy the rental unit.
Toronto landlord wins $6,043 in rent arrears case against tenant Jeannelle M Kehoe.
Toronto landlord awarded $33,467.32 in compensation from tenant for noise violations, property damage, and unpaid utilities.
Landlord partially liable for maintenance issues, but not for substantial interference claims, in Barrie rental dispute.
Toronto tenant evicted for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $8,421.94.
Brantford tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, owes landlord $9,908.69.
Etobicoke landlord wins personal use eviction to allow his daughters to occupy the rental unit.
Toronto landlord wins $6,043 in rent arrears case against tenant Jeannelle M Kehoe.
Toronto landlord awarded $33,467.32 in compensation from tenant for noise violations, property damage, and unpaid utilities.
Landlord partially liable for maintenance issues, but not for substantial interference claims, in Barrie rental dispute.
Toronto tenant evicted for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $8,421.94.
Brantford tenant evicted for non-payment of rent, owes landlord $9,908.69.
Etobicoke landlord wins personal use eviction to allow his daughters to occupy the rental unit.
Toronto landlord wins $6,043 in rent arrears case against tenant Jeannelle M Kehoe.
Toronto landlord awarded $33,467.32 in compensation from tenant for noise violations, property damage, and unpaid utilities.
Landlord partially liable for maintenance issues, but not for substantial interference claims, in Barrie rental dispute.
Toronto tenant evicted for landlord's personal use, ordered to pay $8,421.94.
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Reason for Relief
Postpone eviction until April 30, 2024
Who Wins
LandlordPlease subscribe to pro to view this content. Please subscribe to pro to view this content.
Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
LandlordPlease subscribe to pro to view this content.
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Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
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