Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant in Midland, Ontario social housing complex.
Onaping landlord wins $9,101 case against tenants for substantial interference and property damage.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant in Ottawa for disruptive and unsafe behavior that substantially interfered with others' enjoyment of the property.
Brampton landlords awarded $9,614.97 from tenants who failed to pay rent and vacated unit.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, evicts tenants and awarded $2,129.69 in Huron Park.
Tenant awarded $3,348 from Scarborough landlords for illegal rent hike, unpaid N12 compensation, and unreturned key deposit.
Landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant in Midland, Ontario social housing complex.
Onaping landlord wins $9,101 case against tenants for substantial interference and property damage.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant in Ottawa for disruptive and unsafe behavior that substantially interfered with others' enjoyment of the property.
Brampton landlords awarded $9,614.97 from tenants who failed to pay rent and vacated unit.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, evicts tenants and awarded $2,129.69 in Huron Park.
Tenant awarded $3,348 from Scarborough landlords for illegal rent hike, unpaid N12 compensation, and unreturned key deposit.
Landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant in Midland, Ontario social housing complex.
Onaping landlord wins $9,101 case against tenants for substantial interference and property damage.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant in Ottawa for disruptive and unsafe behavior that substantially interfered with others' enjoyment of the property.
Brampton landlords awarded $9,614.97 from tenants who failed to pay rent and vacated unit.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, evicts tenants and awarded $2,129.69 in Huron Park.
Tenant awarded $3,348 from Scarborough landlords for illegal rent hike, unpaid N12 compensation, and unreturned key deposit.
Landlord wins eviction case against disruptive tenant in Midland, Ontario social housing complex.
Onaping landlord wins $9,101 case against tenants for substantial interference and property damage.
Landlord successfully evicts tenant in Ottawa for disruptive and unsafe behavior that substantially interfered with others' enjoyment of the property.
Brampton landlords awarded $9,614.97 from tenants who failed to pay rent and vacated unit.
Landlord wins substantial interference case, evicts tenants and awarded $2,129.69 in Huron Park.
Tenant awarded $3,348 from Scarborough landlords for illegal rent hike, unpaid N12 compensation, and unreturned key deposit.
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Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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