Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Tenants win appeal for new hearing on $35,000 rent arrears due to procedural fairness breach.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of LTB personal use eviction order, finding no procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court grants partial extension for LTB eviction appeal, sets conditions for stay of eviction.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of $21,185 rent arrears eviction, finding no procedural unfairness in LTB proceedings.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, dismissing tenant's appeal due to non-compliance with consent order.
Landlord ordered to investigate soundproofing options to address noise issues caused by neighboring tenant's autistic child.
Tenants win appeal for new hearing on $35,000 rent arrears due to procedural fairness breach.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of LTB personal use eviction order, finding no procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court grants partial extension for LTB eviction appeal, sets conditions for stay of eviction.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of $21,185 rent arrears eviction, finding no procedural unfairness in LTB proceedings.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, dismissing tenant's appeal due to non-compliance with consent order.
Landlord ordered to investigate soundproofing options to address noise issues caused by neighboring tenant's autistic child.
Tenants win appeal for new hearing on $35,000 rent arrears due to procedural fairness breach.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of LTB personal use eviction order, finding no procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court grants partial extension for LTB eviction appeal, sets conditions for stay of eviction.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of $21,185 rent arrears eviction, finding no procedural unfairness in LTB proceedings.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, dismissing tenant's appeal due to non-compliance with consent order.
Landlord ordered to investigate soundproofing options to address noise issues caused by neighboring tenant's autistic child.
Tenants win appeal for new hearing on $35,000 rent arrears due to procedural fairness breach.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of LTB personal use eviction order, finding no procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court grants partial extension for LTB eviction appeal, sets conditions for stay of eviction.
Divisional Court dismisses tenant's appeal of $21,185 rent arrears eviction, finding no procedural unfairness in LTB proceedings.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, dismissing tenant's appeal due to non-compliance with consent order.
Landlord ordered to investigate soundproofing options to address noise issues caused by neighboring tenant's autistic child.
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