Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed by LTB due to lack of proper termination notices.
LTB dismisses tenant's harassment claim against landlord, citing previous vexatious litigant ruling.
Elderly, disabled Ottawa tenant ordered to pay $14,956 in rent arrears or face eviction.
Landlord's application to evict tenant for personal use dismissed due to failure to provide compensation or alternative unit.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant dismissed due to failure to provide required compensation.
Landlords awarded eviction and $5,200 judgment against tenant with persistent late rent payments.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed by LTB due to lack of proper termination notices.
LTB dismisses tenant's harassment claim against landlord, citing previous vexatious litigant ruling.
Elderly, disabled Ottawa tenant ordered to pay $14,956 in rent arrears or face eviction.
Landlord's application to evict tenant for personal use dismissed due to failure to provide compensation or alternative unit.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant dismissed due to failure to provide required compensation.
Landlords awarded eviction and $5,200 judgment against tenant with persistent late rent payments.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed by LTB due to lack of proper termination notices.
LTB dismisses tenant's harassment claim against landlord, citing previous vexatious litigant ruling.
Elderly, disabled Ottawa tenant ordered to pay $14,956 in rent arrears or face eviction.
Landlord's application to evict tenant for personal use dismissed due to failure to provide compensation or alternative unit.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant dismissed due to failure to provide required compensation.
Landlords awarded eviction and $5,200 judgment against tenant with persistent late rent payments.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed by LTB due to lack of proper termination notices.
LTB dismisses tenant's harassment claim against landlord, citing previous vexatious litigant ruling.
Elderly, disabled Ottawa tenant ordered to pay $14,956 in rent arrears or face eviction.
Landlord's application to evict tenant for personal use dismissed due to failure to provide compensation or alternative unit.
Landlord's application to terminate tenancy and evict tenant dismissed due to failure to provide required compensation.
Landlords awarded eviction and $5,200 judgment against tenant with persistent late rent payments.
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Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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