Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Tenant wins bad faith eviction case, allowed to move back into Stratford rental unit.
Tenants awarded $165 and landlord fined $500 after LTB finds landlord harassed them.
Tenants' harassment claim against landlords dismissed, despite finding of harassment, as they were already compensated for moving costs.
Tenant awarded $500 after Etobicoke landlord fails to properly maintain HVAC system.
Tenant wins $200 key deposit dispute against Waterloo landlord at LTB.
Brampton landlord ordered to pay tenant $27,129.12 in compensation for bad faith eviction.
Tenant wins bad faith eviction case, allowed to move back into Stratford rental unit.
Tenants awarded $165 and landlord fined $500 after LTB finds landlord harassed them.
Tenants' harassment claim against landlords dismissed, despite finding of harassment, as they were already compensated for moving costs.
Tenant awarded $500 after Etobicoke landlord fails to properly maintain HVAC system.
Tenant wins $200 key deposit dispute against Waterloo landlord at LTB.
Brampton landlord ordered to pay tenant $27,129.12 in compensation for bad faith eviction.
Tenant wins bad faith eviction case, allowed to move back into Stratford rental unit.
Tenants awarded $165 and landlord fined $500 after LTB finds landlord harassed them.
Tenants' harassment claim against landlords dismissed, despite finding of harassment, as they were already compensated for moving costs.
Tenant awarded $500 after Etobicoke landlord fails to properly maintain HVAC system.
Tenant wins $200 key deposit dispute against Waterloo landlord at LTB.
Brampton landlord ordered to pay tenant $27,129.12 in compensation for bad faith eviction.
Tenant wins bad faith eviction case, allowed to move back into Stratford rental unit.
Tenants awarded $165 and landlord fined $500 after LTB finds landlord harassed them.
Tenants' harassment claim against landlords dismissed, despite finding of harassment, as they were already compensated for moving costs.
Tenant awarded $500 after Etobicoke landlord fails to properly maintain HVAC system.
Tenant wins $200 key deposit dispute against Waterloo landlord at LTB.
Brampton landlord ordered to pay tenant $27,129.12 in compensation for bad faith eviction.
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Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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