Harry Cho
Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Order OutcomesPRO
Eviction Relief Granted to Tenant 3 Orders since 2024PRO
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Lanlord's Notice Found Invalid 2 Orders since 2024PRO
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Contested Dispute by CategoryPRO
- Substantial Interference23
Landlord Win Rate: 43.48%
- Personal Use21
Landlord Win Rate: 71.43%
- Other13
Landlord Win Rate: 76.92%
- Maintenance Issues11
Landlord Win Rate: 63.64%
- Harassment8
Landlord Win Rate: 62.5%
- Illegal Entry8
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
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Latest Orders
Proulx v Ainsley
LTB denies tenant's review request, upholds landlord's claim for utility costs in Scarborough dispute.
Bright Investments Inc v Abdelaal
LTB upholds termination of superintendent's tenancy after employment ends.
Bernhardsdottir v Ettien
LTB denies tenant's request to review order upholding landlord's rights in rental dispute.
Sun v North America Construction (1993) Ltd.
LTB denies landlord's request to review order, finding no serious errors in previous ruling on unpaid rent and utility costs.
LTB denies landlord's review request, upholds order finding landlord liable for tenant's lost property due to illegal entry.
Datta v Graczol
Landlord loses eviction case due to failure to repair rental unit, Board dismisses application under Residential Tenancies Act.
Proulx v Ainsley
LTB denies tenant's review request, upholds landlord's claim for utility costs in Scarborough dispute.
Bright Investments Inc v Abdelaal
LTB upholds termination of superintendent's tenancy after employment ends.
Bernhardsdottir v Ettien
LTB denies tenant's request to review order upholding landlord's rights in rental dispute.
Sun v North America Construction (1993) Ltd.
LTB denies landlord's request to review order, finding no serious errors in previous ruling on unpaid rent and utility costs.
LTB denies landlord's review request, upholds order finding landlord liable for tenant's lost property due to illegal entry.
Datta v Graczol
Landlord loses eviction case due to failure to repair rental unit, Board dismisses application under Residential Tenancies Act.
Proulx v Ainsley
LTB denies tenant's review request, upholds landlord's claim for utility costs in Scarborough dispute.
Bright Investments Inc v Abdelaal
LTB upholds termination of superintendent's tenancy after employment ends.
Bernhardsdottir v Ettien
LTB denies tenant's request to review order upholding landlord's rights in rental dispute.
Sun v North America Construction (1993) Ltd.
LTB denies landlord's request to review order, finding no serious errors in previous ruling on unpaid rent and utility costs.
LTB denies landlord's review request, upholds order finding landlord liable for tenant's lost property due to illegal entry.
Datta v Graczol
Landlord loses eviction case due to failure to repair rental unit, Board dismisses application under Residential Tenancies Act.
Proulx v Ainsley
LTB denies tenant's review request, upholds landlord's claim for utility costs in Scarborough dispute.
Bright Investments Inc v Abdelaal
LTB upholds termination of superintendent's tenancy after employment ends.
Bernhardsdottir v Ettien
LTB denies tenant's request to review order upholding landlord's rights in rental dispute.
Sun v North America Construction (1993) Ltd.
LTB denies landlord's request to review order, finding no serious errors in previous ruling on unpaid rent and utility costs.
LTB denies landlord's review request, upholds order finding landlord liable for tenant's lost property due to illegal entry.
Datta v Graczol
Landlord loses eviction case due to failure to repair rental unit, Board dismisses application under Residential Tenancies Act.
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