Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Toronto landlord wins eviction case against tenant with history of chronic late rent payments.
North York tenants face conditional order to pay rent on time for 12 months or face eviction.
Stittsville tenants face eviction for persistent late rent payments, owe landlord $20,189.24.
Kitchener landlord wins conditional order against tenant for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case to terminate subsidized tenancy due to tenant no longer meeting eligibility requirements.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to supportive housing tenancy, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
Toronto landlord wins eviction case against tenant with history of chronic late rent payments.
North York tenants face conditional order to pay rent on time for 12 months or face eviction.
Stittsville tenants face eviction for persistent late rent payments, owe landlord $20,189.24.
Kitchener landlord wins conditional order against tenant for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case to terminate subsidized tenancy due to tenant no longer meeting eligibility requirements.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to supportive housing tenancy, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
Toronto landlord wins eviction case against tenant with history of chronic late rent payments.
North York tenants face conditional order to pay rent on time for 12 months or face eviction.
Stittsville tenants face eviction for persistent late rent payments, owe landlord $20,189.24.
Kitchener landlord wins conditional order against tenant for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case to terminate subsidized tenancy due to tenant no longer meeting eligibility requirements.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to supportive housing tenancy, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
Toronto landlord wins eviction case against tenant with history of chronic late rent payments.
North York tenants face conditional order to pay rent on time for 12 months or face eviction.
Stittsville tenants face eviction for persistent late rent payments, owe landlord $20,189.24.
Kitchener landlord wins conditional order against tenant for persistent late rent payments.
Landlord wins case to terminate subsidized tenancy due to tenant no longer meeting eligibility requirements.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to supportive housing tenancy, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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