Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Court upholds LTB dismissal of $388,202 rent increase application due to landlord's procedural non-compliance.
Long-term tenant loses eviction case against landlords who purchased condominium unit.
Court upholds LTB dismissal of $388,202 rent increase application due to landlord's procedural non-compliance.
Long-term tenant loses eviction case against landlords who purchased condominium unit.
Court upholds LTB dismissal of $388,202 rent increase application due to landlord's procedural non-compliance.
Long-term tenant loses eviction case against landlords who purchased condominium unit.
Court upholds LTB dismissal of $388,202 rent increase application due to landlord's procedural non-compliance.
Long-term tenant loses eviction case against landlords who purchased condominium unit.
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