Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to rental unit, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
North Bay tenant maintains tenancy through structured rent arrears payment plan after noise complaint dismissed.
LTB rules tenants only responsible for rent until September 2022 due to landlord's failure to mitigate losses.
Tenant's bad faith eviction claim dismissed due to landlord's genuine family care intentions.
Unauthorized occupant ordered to vacate rental unit and pay $19,533.62 after tenant's death.
Ottawa tenant evicted for unauthorized subletting without landlord's consent.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to rental unit, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
North Bay tenant maintains tenancy through structured rent arrears payment plan after noise complaint dismissed.
LTB rules tenants only responsible for rent until September 2022 due to landlord's failure to mitigate losses.
Tenant's bad faith eviction claim dismissed due to landlord's genuine family care intentions.
Unauthorized occupant ordered to vacate rental unit and pay $19,533.62 after tenant's death.
Ottawa tenant evicted for unauthorized subletting without landlord's consent.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to rental unit, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
North Bay tenant maintains tenancy through structured rent arrears payment plan after noise complaint dismissed.
LTB rules tenants only responsible for rent until September 2022 due to landlord's failure to mitigate losses.
Tenant's bad faith eviction claim dismissed due to landlord's genuine family care intentions.
Unauthorized occupant ordered to vacate rental unit and pay $19,533.62 after tenant's death.
Ottawa tenant evicted for unauthorized subletting without landlord's consent.
LTB rules Residential Tenancies Act applies to rental unit, despite landlord's claim of exemption.
North Bay tenant maintains tenancy through structured rent arrears payment plan after noise complaint dismissed.
LTB rules tenants only responsible for rent until September 2022 due to landlord's failure to mitigate losses.
Tenant's bad faith eviction claim dismissed due to landlord's genuine family care intentions.
Unauthorized occupant ordered to vacate rental unit and pay $19,533.62 after tenant's death.
Ottawa tenant evicted for unauthorized subletting without landlord's consent.
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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