Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Showing most recent decisions
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds LTB order for landlord to repay illegal rent increases, rejecting argument that RTA section 135.1 prevents repayment.
Divisional Court upholds Landlord and Tenant Board order requiring landlord to repay tenants for illegal rent increases.
Divisional Court allows appeal on termination date due to procedural fairness breach, but upholds LTB's lack of jurisdiction for compensation in L3 application.
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