Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Apsley landlord awarded $15,420 in rent arrears against vacated tenants
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $5,822 to landlord
Landlord awarded $9,623 in rent arrears after tenant vacates Sudbury unit
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenants in Kitchener
1785 Bloor Holdings Inc. v Ahmad: Non-payment of Rent Case in Mississauga
Stoney Creek landlord awarded $13,250 in rent arrears from vacating tenant
Apsley landlord awarded $15,420 in rent arrears against vacated tenants
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $5,822 to landlord
Landlord awarded $9,623 in rent arrears after tenant vacates Sudbury unit
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenants in Kitchener
1785 Bloor Holdings Inc. v Ahmad: Non-payment of Rent Case in Mississauga
Stoney Creek landlord awarded $13,250 in rent arrears from vacating tenant
Apsley landlord awarded $15,420 in rent arrears against vacated tenants
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $5,822 to landlord
Landlord awarded $9,623 in rent arrears after tenant vacates Sudbury unit
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenants in Kitchener
1785 Bloor Holdings Inc. v Ahmad: Non-payment of Rent Case in Mississauga
Stoney Creek landlord awarded $13,250 in rent arrears from vacating tenant
Apsley landlord awarded $15,420 in rent arrears against vacated tenants
Scarborough tenants evicted for non-payment of rent, owe $5,822 to landlord
Landlord awarded $9,623 in rent arrears after tenant vacates Sudbury unit
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenants in Kitchener
1785 Bloor Holdings Inc. v Ahmad: Non-payment of Rent Case in Mississauga
Stoney Creek landlord awarded $13,250 in rent arrears from vacating tenant
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Landlord Win Rate: 57.14%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 80%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 75%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
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