Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Toronto tenant faces eviction as landlord sells condo unit for personal use.
North Bay landlord granted conditional relief from eviction after tenant fell behind on rent, ordered to pay arrears in installments.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application against tenant who shared kitchen and bathroom with landlord's spouse.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application due to false declaration.
Toronto tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given additional time to move out.
LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
Toronto tenant faces eviction as landlord sells condo unit for personal use.
North Bay landlord granted conditional relief from eviction after tenant fell behind on rent, ordered to pay arrears in installments.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application against tenant who shared kitchen and bathroom with landlord's spouse.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application due to false declaration.
Toronto tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given additional time to move out.
LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
Toronto tenant faces eviction as landlord sells condo unit for personal use.
North Bay landlord granted conditional relief from eviction after tenant fell behind on rent, ordered to pay arrears in installments.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application against tenant who shared kitchen and bathroom with landlord's spouse.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application due to false declaration.
Toronto tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given additional time to move out.
LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
Toronto tenant faces eviction as landlord sells condo unit for personal use.
North Bay landlord granted conditional relief from eviction after tenant fell behind on rent, ordered to pay arrears in installments.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction application against tenant who shared kitchen and bathroom with landlord's spouse.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application due to false declaration.
Toronto tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given additional time to move out.
LTB dismisses tenant's complaint about landlord installing smart lock in Toronto rental unit.
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