Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Mississauga tenants face eviction for non-payment of $7,600 in rent, owe $6,434.94 to landlords.
Landlord wins partial victory in Scarborough rental dispute, awarded $386 for property damage and filing fee.
Niagara Falls landlord wins $7,157 case against tenant who substantially interfered with their rights.
Landlord's N12 application dismissed due to failure to pay one month's compensation to tenant in Caledon-East.
Landlord wins eviction order against London tenant for non-payment of rent.
Co-op granted order to terminate occupancy and evict member for non-payment of regular monthly housing charges in Oshawa.
Mississauga tenants face eviction for non-payment of $7,600 in rent, owe $6,434.94 to landlords.
Landlord wins partial victory in Scarborough rental dispute, awarded $386 for property damage and filing fee.
Niagara Falls landlord wins $7,157 case against tenant who substantially interfered with their rights.
Landlord's N12 application dismissed due to failure to pay one month's compensation to tenant in Caledon-East.
Landlord wins eviction order against London tenant for non-payment of rent.
Co-op granted order to terminate occupancy and evict member for non-payment of regular monthly housing charges in Oshawa.
Mississauga tenants face eviction for non-payment of $7,600 in rent, owe $6,434.94 to landlords.
Landlord wins partial victory in Scarborough rental dispute, awarded $386 for property damage and filing fee.
Niagara Falls landlord wins $7,157 case against tenant who substantially interfered with their rights.
Landlord's N12 application dismissed due to failure to pay one month's compensation to tenant in Caledon-East.
Landlord wins eviction order against London tenant for non-payment of rent.
Co-op granted order to terminate occupancy and evict member for non-payment of regular monthly housing charges in Oshawa.
Mississauga tenants face eviction for non-payment of $7,600 in rent, owe $6,434.94 to landlords.
Landlord wins partial victory in Scarborough rental dispute, awarded $386 for property damage and filing fee.
Niagara Falls landlord wins $7,157 case against tenant who substantially interfered with their rights.
Landlord's N12 application dismissed due to failure to pay one month's compensation to tenant in Caledon-East.
Landlord wins eviction order against London tenant for non-payment of rent.
Co-op granted order to terminate occupancy and evict member for non-payment of regular monthly housing charges in Oshawa.
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