Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Tenant wins $1,061 from landlord for illegal charges in London rental dispute.
Tenant awarded nearly $19,000 after landlord used N12 notice in bad faith to sell property in London.
Landlord ordered to pay tenant $19,308 for bad faith eviction in Mississauga rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $1,073.02 after LTB finds landlords collected illegal rent, failed to pay deposit interest, and kept key deposit.
LTB grants landlord possession for personal use after purchaser proves good faith requirement.
Thunder Bay tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given more time to vacate due to family circumstances.
Tenant wins $1,061 from landlord for illegal charges in London rental dispute.
Tenant awarded nearly $19,000 after landlord used N12 notice in bad faith to sell property in London.
Landlord ordered to pay tenant $19,308 for bad faith eviction in Mississauga rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $1,073.02 after LTB finds landlords collected illegal rent, failed to pay deposit interest, and kept key deposit.
LTB grants landlord possession for personal use after purchaser proves good faith requirement.
Thunder Bay tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given more time to vacate due to family circumstances.
Tenant wins $1,061 from landlord for illegal charges in London rental dispute.
Tenant awarded nearly $19,000 after landlord used N12 notice in bad faith to sell property in London.
Landlord ordered to pay tenant $19,308 for bad faith eviction in Mississauga rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $1,073.02 after LTB finds landlords collected illegal rent, failed to pay deposit interest, and kept key deposit.
LTB grants landlord possession for personal use after purchaser proves good faith requirement.
Thunder Bay tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given more time to vacate due to family circumstances.
Tenant wins $1,061 from landlord for illegal charges in London rental dispute.
Tenant awarded nearly $19,000 after landlord used N12 notice in bad faith to sell property in London.
Landlord ordered to pay tenant $19,308 for bad faith eviction in Mississauga rental dispute.
Tenant awarded $1,073.02 after LTB finds landlords collected illegal rent, failed to pay deposit interest, and kept key deposit.
LTB grants landlord possession for personal use after purchaser proves good faith requirement.
Thunder Bay tenant faces eviction for landlord's personal use, given more time to vacate due to family circumstances.
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Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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