Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Divisional Court overturns eviction, rules LTB must consider misrepresentation claims in tenancy termination agreements.
Divisional Court overturns Landlord and Tenant Board eviction order, finding legal errors in failing to consider evidence of misrepresentation.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, rejecting tenant's claims of lease renewal rights and procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court overturns eviction, rules LTB must consider misrepresentation claims in tenancy termination agreements.
Divisional Court overturns Landlord and Tenant Board eviction order, finding legal errors in failing to consider evidence of misrepresentation.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, rejecting tenant's claims of lease renewal rights and procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court overturns eviction, rules LTB must consider misrepresentation claims in tenancy termination agreements.
Divisional Court overturns Landlord and Tenant Board eviction order, finding legal errors in failing to consider evidence of misrepresentation.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, rejecting tenant's claims of lease renewal rights and procedural unfairness.
Divisional Court overturns eviction, rules LTB must consider misrepresentation claims in tenancy termination agreements.
Divisional Court overturns Landlord and Tenant Board eviction order, finding legal errors in failing to consider evidence of misrepresentation.
Divisional Court upholds LTB eviction order, rejecting tenant's claims of lease renewal rights and procedural unfairness.
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