Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlord wins eviction case against tenants who owe $19,825 in rent arrears in Ajax.
LTB denies tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenancy financially unsustainable.
LTB grants tenant's motion to set aside eviction order in Medallion Corporation v Benjamin case.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant Deana Riso after her guests were caught stealing packages and laundry from other residents.
Pembroke tenant faces eviction for repeatedly smoking in rental unit, ordered to pay $186 to landlord.
Belleville tenants face eviction for $11,550 in unpaid rent, owe $8,943.10 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenants who owe $19,825 in rent arrears in Ajax.
LTB denies tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenancy financially unsustainable.
LTB grants tenant's motion to set aside eviction order in Medallion Corporation v Benjamin case.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant Deana Riso after her guests were caught stealing packages and laundry from other residents.
Pembroke tenant faces eviction for repeatedly smoking in rental unit, ordered to pay $186 to landlord.
Belleville tenants face eviction for $11,550 in unpaid rent, owe $8,943.10 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenants who owe $19,825 in rent arrears in Ajax.
LTB denies tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenancy financially unsustainable.
LTB grants tenant's motion to set aside eviction order in Medallion Corporation v Benjamin case.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant Deana Riso after her guests were caught stealing packages and laundry from other residents.
Pembroke tenant faces eviction for repeatedly smoking in rental unit, ordered to pay $186 to landlord.
Belleville tenants face eviction for $11,550 in unpaid rent, owe $8,943.10 to landlord.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenants who owe $19,825 in rent arrears in Ajax.
LTB denies tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, finding tenancy financially unsustainable.
LTB grants tenant's motion to set aside eviction order in Medallion Corporation v Benjamin case.
Landlord wins eviction case against tenant Deana Riso after her guests were caught stealing packages and laundry from other residents.
Pembroke tenant faces eviction for repeatedly smoking in rental unit, ordered to pay $186 to landlord.
Belleville tenants face eviction for $11,550 in unpaid rent, owe $8,943.10 to landlord.
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Landlord Win Rate: 20%
Landlord Win Rate: 55.56%
Landlord Win Rate: 28.57%
Landlord Win Rate: 14.29%
Landlord Win Rate: 71.43%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
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