Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Showing most recent decisions
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement on smoking violations in Cambridge rental unit.
Landlords awarded $9,886 in rent arrears, tenant evicted from East York rental unit.
Landlords awarded $9,886 in rent arrears, tenant evicted from East York rental unit.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement on smoking violations in Cambridge rental unit.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlords awarded $9,886 in rent arrears, tenant evicted from East York rental unit.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement on smoking violations in Cambridge rental unit.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlords awarded $9,886 in rent arrears, tenant evicted from East York rental unit.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement on smoking violations in Cambridge rental unit.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlords awarded $9,886 in rent arrears, tenant evicted from East York rental unit.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement on smoking violations in Cambridge rental unit.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlord wins non-payment of rent case, tenant ordered to pay $4,916 in arrears and new rent on time.
Landlords and tenants in Smiths Falls reach agreement to terminate tenancy and waive $13,244 in rent arrears.
Landlord and tenant reach agreement on smoking violations in Cambridge rental unit.
Landlords awarded $9,886 in rent arrears, tenant evicted from East York rental unit.
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