Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Ottawa tenants awarded $1,959.41 from landlord for failure to properly address flood damage in rental unit.
Landlord's attempt to terminate tenancy over prohibited air conditioner and lock replacement fees fails at the LTB.
Landlord wins case against tenant who refused access for bed bug treatment, causing infestation to spread.
Landlord wins case to evict tenant for substantially interfering with other tenants' enjoyment of residential complex.
Waterloo tenants face eviction for $12,910.96 in rent arrears.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed due to lack of evidence of serious safety impairment from tenant's garbage accumulation.
Ottawa tenants awarded $1,959.41 from landlord for failure to properly address flood damage in rental unit.
Landlord's attempt to terminate tenancy over prohibited air conditioner and lock replacement fees fails at the LTB.
Landlord wins case against tenant who refused access for bed bug treatment, causing infestation to spread.
Landlord wins case to evict tenant for substantially interfering with other tenants' enjoyment of residential complex.
Waterloo tenants face eviction for $12,910.96 in rent arrears.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed due to lack of evidence of serious safety impairment from tenant's garbage accumulation.
Ottawa tenants awarded $1,959.41 from landlord for failure to properly address flood damage in rental unit.
Landlord's attempt to terminate tenancy over prohibited air conditioner and lock replacement fees fails at the LTB.
Landlord wins case against tenant who refused access for bed bug treatment, causing infestation to spread.
Landlord wins case to evict tenant for substantially interfering with other tenants' enjoyment of residential complex.
Waterloo tenants face eviction for $12,910.96 in rent arrears.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed due to lack of evidence of serious safety impairment from tenant's garbage accumulation.
Ottawa tenants awarded $1,959.41 from landlord for failure to properly address flood damage in rental unit.
Landlord's attempt to terminate tenancy over prohibited air conditioner and lock replacement fees fails at the LTB.
Landlord wins case against tenant who refused access for bed bug treatment, causing infestation to spread.
Landlord wins case to evict tenant for substantially interfering with other tenants' enjoyment of residential complex.
Waterloo tenants face eviction for $12,910.96 in rent arrears.
Landlord's eviction attempt dismissed due to lack of evidence of serious safety impairment from tenant's garbage accumulation.
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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