Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Tenants awarded $13,370 after landlord illegally entered unit, restricted access to living room, and harassed them.
St. Thomas tenant faces eviction for $20,000 in rent arrears, request for review denied.
Ottawa landlord wins case to evict tenant who gave notice to terminate tenancy.
Windsor tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,739.72 to landlord.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction bid and tenant's maintenance claim in complex rental dispute.
Landlord's applications to terminate tenancy and evict tenants dismissed due to invalid rent increase notice and failure to prove tenant damage.
Tenants awarded $13,370 after landlord illegally entered unit, restricted access to living room, and harassed them.
St. Thomas tenant faces eviction for $20,000 in rent arrears, request for review denied.
Ottawa landlord wins case to evict tenant who gave notice to terminate tenancy.
Windsor tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,739.72 to landlord.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction bid and tenant's maintenance claim in complex rental dispute.
Landlord's applications to terminate tenancy and evict tenants dismissed due to invalid rent increase notice and failure to prove tenant damage.
Tenants awarded $13,370 after landlord illegally entered unit, restricted access to living room, and harassed them.
St. Thomas tenant faces eviction for $20,000 in rent arrears, request for review denied.
Ottawa landlord wins case to evict tenant who gave notice to terminate tenancy.
Windsor tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,739.72 to landlord.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction bid and tenant's maintenance claim in complex rental dispute.
Landlord's applications to terminate tenancy and evict tenants dismissed due to invalid rent increase notice and failure to prove tenant damage.
Tenants awarded $13,370 after landlord illegally entered unit, restricted access to living room, and harassed them.
St. Thomas tenant faces eviction for $20,000 in rent arrears, request for review denied.
Ottawa landlord wins case to evict tenant who gave notice to terminate tenancy.
Windsor tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,739.72 to landlord.
LTB dismisses landlord's eviction bid and tenant's maintenance claim in complex rental dispute.
Landlord's applications to terminate tenancy and evict tenants dismissed due to invalid rent increase notice and failure to prove tenant damage.
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Landlord Win Rate: 73.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 40%
Landlord Win Rate: 28.57%
Landlord Win Rate: 27.27%
Landlord Win Rate: 44.44%
Landlord Win Rate: 75%
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