Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Mississauga tenant awarded $1,203 after landlord collected illegal charges and failed to provide termination notice compensation.
Chatham landlord successfully evicts tenant for non-payment of rent and illegal acts, tenant ordered to pay over $18,000.
Mississauga landlord awarded $11,800 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Brantford tenant faces eviction for $20,902.77 in rent arrears.
London tenant faces potential eviction for $19,000 in rent arrears
Barrie tenants granted conditional relief from eviction for $10,643 in rent arrears, must pay $400/month towards balance.
Mississauga tenant awarded $1,203 after landlord collected illegal charges and failed to provide termination notice compensation.
Chatham landlord successfully evicts tenant for non-payment of rent and illegal acts, tenant ordered to pay over $18,000.
Mississauga landlord awarded $11,800 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Brantford tenant faces eviction for $20,902.77 in rent arrears.
London tenant faces potential eviction for $19,000 in rent arrears
Barrie tenants granted conditional relief from eviction for $10,643 in rent arrears, must pay $400/month towards balance.
Mississauga tenant awarded $1,203 after landlord collected illegal charges and failed to provide termination notice compensation.
Chatham landlord successfully evicts tenant for non-payment of rent and illegal acts, tenant ordered to pay over $18,000.
Mississauga landlord awarded $11,800 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Brantford tenant faces eviction for $20,902.77 in rent arrears.
London tenant faces potential eviction for $19,000 in rent arrears
Barrie tenants granted conditional relief from eviction for $10,643 in rent arrears, must pay $400/month towards balance.
Mississauga tenant awarded $1,203 after landlord collected illegal charges and failed to provide termination notice compensation.
Chatham landlord successfully evicts tenant for non-payment of rent and illegal acts, tenant ordered to pay over $18,000.
Mississauga landlord awarded $11,800 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Brantford tenant faces eviction for $20,902.77 in rent arrears.
London tenant faces potential eviction for $19,000 in rent arrears
Barrie tenants granted conditional relief from eviction for $10,643 in rent arrears, must pay $400/month towards balance.
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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